Friday, March 7, 2003

I'm an INTP My Bloginality is INTP!!! As an INTP, you are Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. This makes your primary focus on Introverted Thinking with an Extraverted Intution. This is defined as a NT personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Rational (Knowledge Seeking) type, and more specifically the Architect or Thinker. As a weblogger, you might not be as concerned about popularity,... (113 words)

Creating categorized RSS feeds using Movable Type I love Movable Type's customization features. I just used this to auto-generate RSS feeds per category, and link to these feeds from the main page. I previously had one custom RSS template for, but this is a much better solution. How did I do it? Go to your RSS template and copy its contents to the clipboard. Go back... (218 words, 11 Comments)