OPML import from a URL

I just discovered that SharpReader can actually import OPML files directly from a URL, instead of just from a file. Simply enter the URL in the File|Import dialog and press enter to load it.

The cool thing is that this features is not by design, but comes for free with the .NET FrameWork - all my code does is a File.OpenText(filename) to load the OPML file. At times like this I really like .NET :-)

Update: it looks like this isn't really a .NET feature, but a general Windows one that I was unaware of. Even notepad can open a web-page this way.

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Yea, I just took it for granted you did this on purpose. When I first started to use SharpReader I exported my feeds from NewsGator in OPML format and then imported into SharpReader.

Well done. ;)

Posted by Ron Green at April 27, 2003 1:42 AM

File->Open URL
SharpReader can do an OPML import from a URL, due to the .NET framework. What's great is that this works with any tool that uses the standard FileOpen dialog, such as UltraEdit - even though it's a standard Windows app.

Trackback from Random Stuff at April 27, 2003 5:24 AM

The next step would be that File/Export subscriptions could be saved to a web page using DAV/FTP... :-)

Posted by Johan K�nng�rd at April 27, 2003 6:59 AM

Can we please get ShapReader to also save to URL?
Luke today noticed that you can open an OPML file from an URL in SharpReader. While this is great, what

Trackback from protocol7 at April 27, 2003 5:01 PM

It would be even cooler if this was not an import/update that has to be triggered explicitly, but rather a synchronization. This way, I could store the OPML as part of my blog (for others who might want to use it), as well as to produce a server-side rendering of it.

Posted by Stefan at April 27, 2003 5:54 PM

Perhaps an XML/RPC or a WebService interface for storing and retrieving the OPML?

Posted by Johan K�nng�rd at April 27, 2003 6:05 PM

OPML for all...Sharpreader
If only... Sharpreader's author Luke Huttenman has just noted that his creation can read OPML files from a website. However,

Trackback from adamwebb.com at April 27, 2003 7:12 PM

OPML for all...Sharpreader
If only... Sharpreader's author Luke Huttenman has just noted that his creation can read OPML files from a website. However,

Trackback from adamwebb.com at April 27, 2003 7:12 PM

Sorry about misspelling your name. I've corrected it, and it was an honest typo. I actually checked your site to make sure I got the spelling correct...just fat-fingered it. I do enjoy Sharpreader though, and any ftp components would be great. I'm really fairly content with the way you have it though - anything else is just bells and whistles.

Posted by adam at April 27, 2003 11:10 PM

The windows File Open dialog will download a HTTP file to a temporary local file and returns the path of the temp file. So you lose the URL, which is ok for read-only operations.

Posted by Jeremy at April 28, 2003 10:07 AM

Points de vue

Trackback from C at April 28, 2003 2:08 PM
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