SharpReader has been released. Changes in this version are:
SharpReader has been released.
SharpReader Released
Luke Hutteman has cut a new version of SharpReader. Changes include: Changes to support running under a non-administrative account Updated items easier to see Threading improvement...
I would like request that links in the upper left and upper right panes open in the default browser when they are double-clicked (or shift-clicked, if you like). I've been using the context menu in the upper-right pane, and it's just a little too much work. ;^)
Thanks for the great reader.
Posted by Tim Tabor at May 15, 2003 2:23 AM"Date-parsing routine now supports EDT, CDT, MDT and PDT timezones."
Nice ... I think. What *are* EDT, CDT, MDT and PDT timezones?
"Don't try to refresh feeds if there is no internet"
That will help. Never mind laptops - ever heard of modems? As in telephone? This will mean I won't end up with '400 Server Error' all over the place. :)
Oh, and you forgot to mention that feed images are displayed now! :)
Posted by Marjolein Katsma at May 15, 2003 3:47 AMHi!
"Open link in new window" still opens IE, although Mozilla is set as default browser. Any way to fix this...?
Posted by Frank Koehntopp at May 15, 2003 4:58 AMA feature request for the next version:
I really like the icon in the tray bar turning yellow when new items have been published .
It would be nice if the tooltip for the icon could indicate which feed[s] published the most recent item[s].
Posted by Roland Weigelt at May 15, 2003 5:46 AMAny idea on how I would go about upgrading from w/o losing the feeds I have already received?
SharpReader released version
public virtual MemoryStream: May 14, 2003 Archives SharpReader has been released. Yippee!...
SharpReader 0.9.2
Moved to SharpReader, hoping that it fixes the problems I had with uninitialized handles after putting the notebook to hibernation mode and starting it up again. I tried out several others, e.g. RssBandit, Syndirella, and AmphetaDesk, but clear...
Frank, Tim: hmmm... SharpReader is supposed to always use the default browser for new browser windows. If you put a url in Start|Run, which browser opens for you?
Marjolein: Eastern Daylight Time, Central Daylight Time, Mountain Daylight Time, Pacific Daylight Time. And "modems"? what are those again? ;-)
Roland: already considering something similar for the next(?) release... But it will probably become like a balloon-help-thingy or a MSN Messenger-style popup window.
Andy: Just unzip it into your existing SharpReader directory. The settings are stored elsewhere and will not be affected
Posted by Luke Hutteman at May 15, 2003 9:38 AMIt still doesn't work to load sharpreader as non-admin. Maybe that is because I used it before as admin user, and he is retrying to use the samen settings?
I like how it shows the web page for items that have no description -- now I'm tempted to turn off my descriptions. :)
Is there a way to have my cake and eat it too? For feeds that have DO descriptions, I'd like to see a per-feed setting that tells SharpReader to display the actual web page for the linked entry like it's doing for the items with no description.
Posted by Brad Choate at May 15, 2003 9:52 AMSharp Reader
Didn't get a chance to check out the normal sites until after I'd been at work for a while and I see that "Luke": has "released SharpReader": If you don't know what Sha...
Turn off the descriptions? NOOOOOO!!!!! ok I'm pulling that feature on the next release :)
Per-feed-setting for this: This would be fairly easy to implement, but it would mean creating a feed-properties dialog, which is something I've been trying to avoid so far. I might just have to do that anyway though for other per-feed settings (like auto-purging items) I've been thinking about...
Posted by Luke Hutteman at May 15, 2003 10:13 AMSharpReader Updated!
The two big improvements for me: gzip support and support for my default browser... now if they would just support custom XSLT and CSS files...
#Reader is a great tool. I was hoping for no-refresh when laptops was not connected. But before I could send the request, you added that feature in it.
But, I would like to see more "setting" controls like "auto display the link" etc
Why is it that SharpReader doesn't remember the window size and the panel sizes from one session to another? Isn't this handled by the controls in the IDE being used to develop the app? It's the only app that doesn't do this here and it's annoying.
Posted by Wally at May 15, 2003 12:16 PMI also get IE rather than my default browser. In my case, I'm using the Avant "wrapper" for IE.
Posted by Steve Owens at May 15, 2003 12:37 PMHeh. I knew that would get ya. :)
I don't understand the aversion to features by RSS readers like SharpReader and Syndirella. It doesn't look like FeedDemon will be skimping. Or are all the features in reserve for a "SharpReader Pro"?
On another subject, how well does SharpReader handle lots of data? I've got around 100 feeds so far and I'd like to retain as much as a years worth of history for them all. It would be great if SharpReader could be configured to automatically purge based on rules like that -- either by age or by # of entries... another per-feed setting.
Posted by Brad Choate at May 15, 2003 12:47 PMI agree with Brad, purging would be nice. It's cool that SharpReader keeps past items, but at some point that's going to get very big, and going through and manually deleting old posts would get very tiresome.
Also, I'd like to see SharpReader remember it's size and position between sessions.
Posted by tamaracks at May 15, 2003 12:58 PMWhile we're talking features, a "collapse all" option would be nice. And to remember the open/closed state of each category folder. I usually read off the top "Subscribed Feeds" node where everything gets listed like one big blog.
Posted by Brad Choate at May 15, 2003 1:03 PMI just tried #Reader on my parents' computer, and, well, you might want to try and fail a little more gracious when the .NET crap is not installed. :P
Posted by Manuzhai at May 15, 2003 2:25 PMI'd like to be able to sort by item status (read, unread, locked). The reason is I've started using SharpReader as a bookmark manager for blog items I want to come back to by using the lock feature (cos I didn't know how long the items would stay - it appears they last forever!). I'd like to be able to select the top level Subscribed Feeds (or any goup or blog) and then sort by item status so I can quickly find all the locked items. In the absence of more complete bookmark support this would do the trick for me.
Posted by Roddy MacFarquhar at May 15, 2003 2:40 PMSharpReader 0.9.2
SharpReader 0.9.2 is out. I love the improvements to the threading feature.
The new Sharpreader is out. Huzza!...
The only reason I haven't switched to SharpReader is because I can't individually change the refresh time per feed. I have feeds at work that I monitor every 5 minutes with Syndirella, and I can't do that with SharpReader yet.
Posted by Nick at May 15, 2003 9:59 PMI had crash on me when I hibernated / restored my laptop. If you'd like the details (I saved stack trace, modules, etc.), just e-mail me.
I was a fool to download it for the third time (third release) and have it crash on me on WinME. SharpReader is out of my future.
"I don't understand the aversion to features by RSS readers like SharpReader and Syndirella. It doesn't look like FeedDemon will be skimping. Or are all the features in reserve for a "SharpReader Pro"?"
I prefer the clean and simple interface that SharpReader offers - AND the standards compliance which is absolutely nowhere in FeedDemon.
Features? What features doesn't SharpReader have that I need? I can't think of any. Just a few things that would be nice. The really essential features are already there.
Posted by Marjolein Katsma at May 16, 2003 2:44 AMI wrote:
""Don't try to refresh feeds if there is no internet"
That will help. Never mind laptops - ever heard of modems? As in telephone? This will mean I won't end up with '400 Server Error' all over the place. :)"
Unfortunately, that WOULD help - but I still get dozens of red 400 Server Errors when I'm off-line. Something missing in the detection of an online connection? Don't see a configuration option for this either.
Posted by Marjolein Katsma at May 16, 2003 2:48 AMThis is great! I love the way it previews items with no description!
Thanks & keep up the good work! :)
Posted by Graeme Foster at May 16, 2003 4:39 AMI would love that SharpReader automatically uses the proxy settings from Internet Explorer instead of having to force it to copy them manually.
For the rest: great work! I love it...
Posted by Pieter Claerhout at May 16, 2003 5:21 AMSharpReader
There are a number of great features in the new version of SharpReader, (Aside, what’s with the minor version...
Nick: "The only reason I haven't switched to SharpReader is because I can't individually change the refresh time per feed. I have feeds at work that I monitor every 5 minutes with Syndirella, and I can't do that with SharpReader yet."
SharpReader does allow you to set the refresh interval on a per-feed basis. The refresh-combo at the top-right is for the currently selected feed. If a feed has it's refresh-interval set to default, it will use the value that is set on the category it's in. This will allow you set the refresh-interval either individually or by category.
Now that being said, the minimum refresh-interval in that combo-box is 15 minutes. If you really need 5, you'll have to edit the subscriptions.xml file. Be sure to make a backup if you do though - if you accidentally turn it into non-valid xml, you'll lose all your subscriptions.
Posted by Luke Hutteman at May 16, 2003 9:45 AM"This is great! I love the way it previews items with no description!"
I don't. I already have a browser (or seven) :)
In the view window I'd like to see *only* descriptions, and nothing else. I'm already irritated by feeds that stuff actual content into their descriptions - instead of descriptions _of_ the content.
If there's no description, I prefer to see nothing but the feed and title (header) in the view window.
Posted by Marjolein Katsma at May 16, 2003 9:58 AMLuke,
"Now that being said, the minimum refresh-interval in that combo-box is 15 minutes. If you really need 5, you'll have to edit the subscriptions.xml file. Be sure to make a backup if you do though - if you accidentally turn it into non-valid xml, you'll lose all your subscriptions."
The problem, as I see it, is that it _isn't_ a combo-box at all but just a drop-down list. A combo-box (by definition) would allow the user to type in a value different from what's in the list.
The problem I have is not the minimum value, but the maimum value. "Every day" is pretty useless for a site that barely changes once a week (or less).
But to cover both you'd need a combobox that doesn't just accept numbers, but units (minutes, hours, days) as well. (Or just minutes? How many minutes in a month? :))
Posted by Majolein Katsma at May 16, 2003 10:06 AMMaybe good job but on my brand new PC with .Net there it crash at start with ths error
An exception 'System.TypeInitializationException' has occured in SharpReader.exe
Posted by Paschal at May 16, 2003 1:25 PMWas working yesterday, but now generates an error when I try to run it:
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
Process id=0x928 (2344), Thread id=0x92c (2348).
Posted by Michael Fagan at May 16, 2003 2:40 PMNews Aggregator of My Dreams
I'm enjoying SharpReader as my aggregator. Sort of. See, I'm a multi-computer guy. It informs everything about the way I compute. I dislike having my necessary information tied to one computer. (See all my rants about why I dislike the...
This has also probably been requested before, but a dialog to choose where to store the data would be nice. I use network space a lot and multiple computers and would be more productive if I could put the store on the network server and then just load it with whatever computer I was on. I couldn't even find a registry setting I could change. Thanks.
Posted by Ryan Eby at May 16, 2003 4:58 PMI've noticed in that I sometimes will get dialog boxes popping up that describe the last keys I pressed.
I can't reproduce it 100% reliably, but this seems to work most of the time. Go to via the Address bar and double click the article with the title "I'm figuring out how to use Radio as a newsreader. . .". Then click on the link inside the article text that goes to an XML file. The first keystroke I hit after that seems to do it most of the time.
I second a per-feed setting on whether or not SharpReader displays the actual web page for a RSS item. This would be great for sites that display only a portion of the actual description and make you go to the web site to read the rest (which I believe is the default MT setting for syndication). An example would be the slashdot feed (
Posted by Brian at May 18, 2003 11:42 AMBrian wrote:
"I second a per-feed setting on whether or not SharpReader displays the actual web page for a RSS item."
I'd third that IF there could be a global setting whether to allow this at all and a per-feed setting would merely override the global setting. I'd hate to have to go through all of my feeds just to prevent web pages from appearing in SharpReader.
Or take it from another angle: I *already* have a setting telling SR to load pages in an external browser - and it now no longer honors this setting. This is irritating for two reasons:
1. It makes working with SR much slower since I cannot tell beforehand whether an item has a description or not; once it starts to load a web page instead of a description (and instead of other relevant data that *may* be in the item!) I have to wait for the page to finish loading - NOT nice when you're on a phone connection and pay by the minute! (Don't assume everyone has a broadband connection...)
2. I'll be forced to use my proxy for suppressing popups and other nasty stuff - if SR just loads *feed data* in the view window that's not a concern - and passing everything through a proixy slows things down as well.
Posted by Marjolein Katsma at May 18, 2003 2:25 PMI love SharpReader, I think your program is great, but I would like to see forward/back buttons added for the lower pane. It's a real pain when you double click an item to view the source, then navigate away using a link on that page, to find a way back a single page.
It seems that the IE hotkey Backspace works to take me back, but not the 4&5 mouse buttons. Adding a forward/back button to the form would make life easier.
Thanks again!
Posted by Ryan Gregg at May 20, 2003 12:30 PMRyan,
That nicely illustrates why I want *pages* loaded in an external bowser. A browser (as opposed to the browser obkject embedded in many applications) has a lot of tools and facilities the embedded object doesn't have, and in some cases *cannot* have.
An RSS reader should not try to be Yet-Another-Browser.
Posted by Marjolein Katsma at May 20, 2003 1:51 PM