Wednesday, June 25, 2003

SharpReader Changes in this release: Fixed the bug that caused SharpReader to crash under Win98 & WinME. Bugfix - bundle partial mshtml.dll to fix startup bug from (thanks to Simon Hodd's suggestion). Changed spacebar behavior to page-down the item-description in the embedded browser prior to jumping to the next unread item. Fixed bug in http 301 response handling to now... (96 words, 19 Comments)

WORA, WOTA & SharpReader When Java was first created, one of it's main strengths was "Write Once, Run Anywhere", or WORA for short. It didn't take long before developers realized this was an overstatement and WOTA (Write Once, Test Anywhere) was a more accurate description of this feature. This was true back then for AWT applications and still is today for J2EE apps. Unfortunately,... (422 words, 8 Comments)