w.bloggar plugin for SharpReader

When the IBlogThis and IBlogExtension standards were created a few months ago, I hoped that this would be the start of many useful plugins being developed for the Aggregators that support these standards. So far, I have been disappointed. I know people are working on it, but had hoped things would have moved faster than they did.

So to quickly create a simple-yet-powerful plugin, I created one to start the popular w.bloggar blog-posting tool from within SharpReader (or any other aggregator that supports IBlogExtension).

In order to install it, please download the latest version of w.bloggar and install it. Then download the w.bloggar plugin from sharpreader.net and unzip its files into a plugins sub-directory under your SharpReader directory. After restarting SharpReader, you should be able to execute the plugin through either the listview popup-menu, or by using the Ctrl-B keyboard shortcut.

The plugin uses an XSL template to transform the RSS-snippet passed to it to the initial post text in w.bloggar. This template can be customized from within the plugin configuration dialog.

I created a plugin-directory on sharpreader.net as a repository for IBlogThis/IBlogExtension plugins. So far I just added the two I wrote, but I'm sure there are more out there (I assume all of these are based upon IBlogExtension for instance, but unfortunately they all seem to be installers that by default save to the NewsGator plugins directory). If you created or know of any other plugins, please send me an email at luke-at-hutteman.com and I will add them to the list.

TrackBack URL for this entry: http://www.hutteman.com/scgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/67

Plugins Are Fun

Trackback from ScottW's ASP.NET WebLog at July 2, 2003 8:31 AM

Posting From Your RSS Reader
SharpReader now allows for "blog this" functionality via the w.bloggar interface. Get the necessary files while they're hot....

Trackback from nicholasjon.com : a weblog at July 2, 2003 9:18 AM

2003/07/02 14:28
Shrook now uses WebKit

Trackback from 2lmc spool at July 2, 2003 9:34 AM

Well it does not work for me. Dropped it in the plugins folder... I do not see any blogthis menu and CRTL-B does nothing.

Posted by Sammael at July 2, 2003 12:58 PM

Did you restart SharpReader after you upzipped the plugin into the plugins directory?

Posted by Luke Hutteman at July 2, 2003 1:55 PM

W.Bloggar and Sharp reader: Playing together at last
There is finally a Plugin for Sharp Reader to talk to WBloggar! Info here. Handy! :P makes my life easer!...

Trackback from LSN Blog at July 3, 2003 4:09 PM

Posting Just Got Better!
I just installed w.bloggar, an awesome software application that makes posting even easier. So long, hand-coded html tags and spelling errors! Sayonara, switching frantically between windows to copy and paste cross-posted entries here and at other plac...

Trackback from Electric Venom at July 7, 2003 6:46 AM

Running w.bloggar and SharpReader on Win2K, and I can't get the BlogThis function of the plugin to work to save my life. Not from the listview popup-menu, or by using Ctrl-B. Any suggetsions?

Posted by Mike Murdock at July 8, 2003 9:59 AM

Sharpreader Aggregator and w.bloggar plugin
Well, here is another handy-dandy tool, if you use w.blogger (which I do). Right-click in Sharpreader and your post appears in w.blogger for editing. This is great. When the IBlogThis and IBlogExtension standards were created a few months ago, I...

Trackback from Ks Weblog at July 10, 2003 10:23 AM

Also running w.bloggar and SharpReader on Win2K, and I can't get the BlogThis function of the plugin to work.. nothing happens, no errors...
not from listview not ctrl.b



any clues?


Posted by ccc at July 30, 2003 9:03 AM

Same here. Created a plugins directoy. No Ctrl+B nor anything else will let me launch/view the plugin.


Posted by Vincent Mouton at August 13, 2003 2:22 PM

OK I had that same problem. It seems that when you exit sharpreader, it goes to the system tray, so you have to exit it from there and THEN restart. After that it works fine.

Posted by Gnimsh at September 6, 2003 8:18 AM
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